Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Leroy Eims

"A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees further than others see, and who see before others do."

Of course a critical element that a leader possess is "vision". Incidentally, vision is also one of the 9 principles of engaged mastery.

Practising this principle calls for us to demonstrate our ability to see more, see further, and see before others do.

Firstly, the ability to see would mean having an end in mind and more importantly, the ability to communicate that end in mind. Even more critical is to be able to have that end in mind written down.

You see, having an end in mind or holding that picture of your vision in your mind is a start. You can see, in your mind's eye, that vision in front of you.

Next, if you have a good coach, she will be able to help you translate that visual image into words that you can describe.

After that, it is to translate that a written form. This should be succinct and concise. That would facilitate communication of that vision to your team, customers, suppliers, and partners.

However a good leader is also someone as Leroy Eims said, "see more, see further, and see before". The question, though, begs how to see more, see further, and see before.

John Maxwell suggests that the answers are found in the Law of Navigation. To see more, one will need experience. Learning from experience will enable you to see more. However that may take a lifetime and possibly one of ups and downs. Learning from the experience of others will allow you to avoid costly mistakes. Better still is to learning from those who are successful. That will not only allows you to know what works but also allows you to focus on more effectively methods.

How to do that will require us to understand the Circles of Engagement. We do not just want to focus purely on what successful people do, in other words their behaviors or the kind of actions that they take. We would also want to know their knowledge, skills, and competencies as well. Knowing that will allow us to learn the same. However, we also know that merely knowing what to do is not enough. What drives our actions depend on our beliefs and values. Which is why we need to understand their beliefs and values. Because understanding these beliefs and values will trigger the respective emotions that will lead us to take action.

We will discuss about seeing further and seeing before in our next discussion.

Your friend,
(Sent from my Blackberry Bold)

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