Thursday, April 09, 2009

Leroy Eims II

Seeing further and seeing before others do are two critical elements that a leader must possess.

Following up from our previous discussion about seeing more, to see further one needs to be able to project their end in mind and see it with their mind's eye.

The subtle difference between seeing more and seeing further is this: seeing more requires experience (either through your own or from the experiences of others), while seeing further requires imagination. The ability to imagine is far more important than just experience. While experience is good, it is not great as at best we will just be achieving what others have before.

Imagination is more important than knowledge; as Einstein puts it. It is so true! With imagination you are able to paint a picture of the desired outcome something that only you can see how far it will go.

Lack of that ability is the limitation of the McDonald's brothers. Ray Kroc had the imagination. He saw further than the brothers. Today, the McDonald's branding position is top-notch.

How to develop imagination?

I believe it can be done in three steps. But it requires regular practice just like building up muscles. You have to work out regularly to develop these muscles.

Have reached my stop. Share with you later on the three steps.

Your friend,
(Sent from my Blackberry Bold)

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