Monday, July 14, 2008

What you focus on expands!

Just this recent week I was challenged, for the right reasons, that if I was already practicing the 7 Habits, then I should have been behaving in a certain manner.

Well, I can focus on the person's words and get so angry because how dare this person say something like this. What audacity! Let's wait till he try to do it himself and see how difficult it is. Does he think even the Father of the 7 Habits does not face such challenges ever?

Or, I can exercise Habit 1: Be Proactive, and say, well, I will focus on my circle of influence. That person's words or actions are in my circle of concern. But I have no control over. What I have control over are my reactions to his words, how I will response to his words, and what am I going to do. These are in my circles of influence. And that is where I will focus on as what I focus on expands.

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