Monday, July 28, 2008

The Map is not the Territory Part I

So now that we are equipped with the compass, which will always point towards our true north (mission), we are still short of realising our vision. Given that our vision is the end in mind, besides the compass we will also need a map to help us get there.

The map will be the masterplan that guide us along, providing us with the paths, showing us where the obstacles might be, and even enabling to check against certain milestones. However, the map is not necessarily the territory. In other words, while we plan and draw up the ways in which we will go from point A to point B, we will come across several circumstances where it will take us by surprise. So how we will tackle these circumstances and change our course along the way will depend on 3 things. How we respond to it, what are our strategies, and whether we believe we will overcome it.

How do we form beliefs, or more importantly why do we believe whether we will overcome it will be something we will talk about today.

Let us begin with some questions. What are some beliefs that we all have? Some of us of a certain faith believe in a man we call Jesus Christ. Some of us believe that in order to be rich, we must work hard. While others believe that we must be honest in order to succeed. So where do these beliefs, whether it is true or not, come from? Some of these beliefs were our own past experiences, while others were being passed down from our parents. It could also be a belief that you picked up from a friend, a book, or a movie! Most importantly, in order for you to believe it, you need to have references to back it up. For instance we all believe that a book would not suddenly start floating in the air, because it does not match our references (c.f. Tony Robbins).

Tony also went on to cite that many of you had passed some tests in the past, so you had references that you were smart. So, now lets ask ourselves in order to be a leader, what kind of beliefs must we have?

I think there is basically one fundamental belief we must have. We must believe what our cause is beyond self, meaning our cause must not to solely benefit ourselves. But it must be for a greater good. Donald Trump phrased it differently, but to me it is essentially the same thing. Trump says one must dream big. Vic Johnson says dream big or it doesn't matter. Some people mis-interpret it as being greedy. They think, having enough is enough so why dream big. Of course if we dream big just so as to benefit only ourselves then it is greed. Else, its about going for something that is beyond you. Something larger than you. Only if its larger than you will you be able to involve others in your dreams. And only when others are involved will they be excited.

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