Monday, July 14, 2008

A Powerful Method of Communication

We spend most of our waking moment communicating with others, letting others know where we are going (when you take a cab), what we want (when we order our food), how we want things done (speaking to our team members at work).

Many a times we do not realise that we also communicate in a non-verbal manner. For instance, when someone stands too close to us, we let them know by shifting our body away. Some of us communicate through our eyes, for instance when I say "I love you" to my wife, it is not just the words but also how I look into her eyes.

We also communicate through our actions. Such as when we show up on time for a meeting, we are saying that I respect you taking time to meet with me and as such I am punctual. Or when we buy little gifts for our loved ones, we indirectly tell them that you are very much in my mind, such that when I saw this gift, I just knew you'd love it so I got it for you.

In business, we communicate all the time, telling prospective customers how we can value add should they choose to work with us. Or with our team on how we should soldier on together so that we can move towards our shared vision.

In addition to these methods, I have decided to use another mode of communication. And that is based on my understanding, novice as it might be, of energy vibration and the purpose of intention. Of late, we as a team have been organizing our thoughts and resources in a concerted fashion that will announce to our prospective clients of how we create, add, and maximize value for them through winning strategies.

And I decided to do so not just at a person-to-person level but at the universe level. You see, when we speak of words that come from the heart, those words carry with certain vibrations. If in doubt, just watch an angry person, the choice of words carry a level of vibration that sends out not too positive energy. And most people who are around this person gets affected, in a less than positive way.

So based on the same concept, imagine what can happen if we use the same principles in a positive aspect. How, you may ask. My suggestion is as follows:
1) write out the statement or statements that you want to communicate in a clearly defined manner. You need to write this out because if you just hold it as a thought, you may not be able to fully enjoy the benefits.

2) Next, you will need to add emotions, positive ones, to those words. How you can do that is to envisage carrying out what you have written out in step 1. Notice the feelings that fill up in your heart as you speak those words and visualize carrying out the actions.

3) Once you have step 1 & 2 done, you will need to find any opportunities you get to speak those words. When you are communicating what you have written in step 1, visualize that those words that come out of your mouth is not only reaching the ears of the person you are speaking with, but imagine those words carrying the energy that will vibrate throughout the universe and reaching the people whom this message is intended for.

4) The final step is to be aware of the people who will show up in your life from hereon and notice how they can play a part in what you want to achieve.

Try it. It really works!

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