Monday, November 10, 2008

The Hardest Part (Chapter 1)

You know, for some people, they'd always see the negative aspects of things. Even if the situation is a good one, they'll almost able to find faults with it. Then, there are those that no matter what happens, they'll always be optimistic about it, be it good or bad.

One way to tell which type they are is to listen to their language patterns. Some clues include, "looking on the brighter side of things", "happy problem (whatever that means)", am sure you can think of some more.

Anyways, we're not saying which type is better, as both has their good points and their bad points (talking about the two types, there's the third that are both; where President Truman asked for a one-arm economist). How so? Well, for a start, in certain situations we want to be able to uphold some principles we hold dear, while in others, we'd rather move away from those principles.

While it seems obvious, it is not always so. For instance some people might want to be rich (externally motivated towards) but don't do a thing because it is in conflict with their internal motivation factors like having to work hard so as to become rich, where that is in conflict with an internal value of wanting to spend time with family and friends.

As such, these people struggle all their lives (until they find a solution) and yet lose both; wealth and family. Sad huh? Well, what's worse is their need to find a solution (or compromise) to their issue. It is a dilemma that they need to overcome. Want this, but cannot afford to lose that.

Talk about hardest part.

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