Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Self-discipline forms the core of our character

Character has always been the one thing that is much talked about but
very very difficult to teach and measure.
As we work with the Schools, many a times they struggle with the
issues on character education and how they can have programmes that
will drive the right characters and also measure its effectiveness.
I suppose within the realm of "engaged mastery"; first, we need to
exercise self-discipline. It could mean really difficult situation
for some people as it calls from abstaining from certain activities or
breaking of certain habits.
Then again, once we are able to discipline ourselves and hence win the
battle with ourselves, the activities or habits will give us the
momentum to not only surge ahead, but also to face the world with
strength and purpose.
Hence, bringing us back to our personal mission, where it will be
linked to our "spirit" domain of engaged mastery.

Posted via email from Leadership


Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
Excuse for that I interfere … I understand this question. It is possible to discuss. Write here or in PM.

Melvyn TAN said...

Yea most definitely. What might your questions be?