Monday, August 04, 2008

Be the CAUSE that brings about the desired EFFECTS

A World Class Education

“I don't want to send another generation of American children to failing schools. I don't want that future for my daughters. I don't want that future for your sons. I do not want that future for America.”

— Barack Obama, Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Des Moines, Iowa, November 10, 2007

There are two reasons why I have chosen to be a supporter of Senator Obama. Firstly, I have always been a great fan of individuals with amazing oratorical skills, and Senator Obama has been widely quoted as one of the most eloquent speaker since JFK. It is also my firm believe that individuals who are able to communicate clearly will be able to better lead others towards a noble cause. Secondly, my support for Senator Obama is due largely to his advocacy on educational issues throughout his career.

As someone who firmly believes in the benefits of education and what education can do not just for our youth, as a leveler of societal disparity, and of course as a hope for any country; I can certainly resonate with what Senator Obama has put forth in his views about educational issues.

While I do not profess to be a know-all in his views on education; I am learning through research and reading up on this particular issue. Which is why I got hold of the book, The Audacity of Hope, recently.

I believe once we have set our mind and energy on a particular cause that we sincerely care about and wants to make a difference in this area, our lives will become even more meaningful and purposeful.

As a benefactor of the education system in Singapore, I certainly can speak for its good and also its areas for improvements. There is no perfect system, though hindsight is always 20-20, any anachronistic system that does not seek to change, for the better, serves no one but those who live their lives backwards.

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