Sunday, February 07, 2010

Most Important Element of 21st Century Skills

We spent a considerable amount of time researching, discussing, and defining the 21st Century Skills (21Cs). During the process, we discover that the most important element that needs to exist before these skills-set can be laid upon is simply this - responsibility.

First, the 21Cs list a wide repertoire of skills that is required for one to survive in this new economy. To make it happen, one has to consider a series of factors. And the most important of all is, to us, responsibility.


Let us do an exercise together in order for us to illustrate the point. Think of a goal that you have set in the past that didn't materialize. Now, reflect upon what happened that caused you not to achieve this goal. Next, list down all the possible reasons you think caused this to happen.

Got it?

What we would like you to do now is to put a tick next to all the reasons that caused you not to achieve this goal that were within your control. And place a cross next to all those that were not within your control.

Tally up your score of ticks and crosses. See for yourself. Do you have more ticks than crosses?

If you had more ticks then, congratulations. You are someone who is responsible. However, if the converse was true then you'd really need to re-examine your action plan.

You see, if you have more ticks, then you have a good chance of succeeding. Why? Because if you correct those factors then it will greatly increase your chance of succeeding the next time. But if you have more crosses, then even if you were to try even harder, chances are you will not succeed.

Now, back to the 21Cs. A lot of these skills can be taught. It can be learned. It can be role-modeled. But unless one takes personal responsibility to be taught, to learn, and to role-model others who already have these skills; then trying to equip that person with the 21Cs will be extremely difficult.

And that is because more often than not, this person would be blaming others for his own demise.

We welcome your comments and look forward to engaging you in this dialogue and for you to share with us your thoughts.

Your friend,
(Posted from my iPhone)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brim over I to but I contemplate the brief should prepare more info then it has.