Thursday, October 15, 2009

Add and Maximize Value

We've always heard about "adding value". For instance, in any relationship how do you invest in the relationship?

One might say, well, I value add.

True, I guess you wouldn't be in that relationship for very long if that wasn't the case.

Then you might argue that when it comes to love one should give unconditionally. Why must there be a need to ask "what can you bring to the table?"

That's some what true but we are saying what you (first person perspective) can value add to the relationship? We're not saying that you demand something in return. Whereas when we say you wouldn't be in the relationship for long we are implying that the other person will / might look elsewhere (second person perspective).

So now let us look at "maximize" value and how different is that from "add" value.

To me it is a world of differences. Given a situation, I may be adding value but how do you know if I am giving my best or if I am holding anything back?

You wouldn't really unless you know me very well. What we want to emphasize here is that unless we are giving our 100 percent, you could still be short-changed in this instance.

Hence by maximizing value here in this instance we are saying this, you not only do your best, you give your best too.

One technique I found to be really effective if we do it with the right attitude is this: always set your intentions at the start of any interactions with another person. Because as our intentions are always good (it's only a matter of from which perspective) and hence sometimes our actions maybe misinterpreted.

Therefore it is always a good practice to first set your intentions and you will be able to practice the art of not just doing your best but also giving your best, everytime, all the time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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