Monday, September 15, 2008

Leadership is a 9-letter word

Some time back when I did a review of my personal mission statement and values; I came to the realisation that my personal mission statement and values (PMSV) should be something that excites me. More importantly, it should also challenge me. If there are no challenges, that I would just remain in my comfort zone. In other words, I would just continue doing what I always been doing and hence there may be little or no improvements.

As I started to ask myself, what really excites me, and what really keeps pushing the envelope for me, I arrive at only one-word; leadership.

Many of us think that leadership is by title, meaning, only when we are in a formal position of authority then we become this position called "leadership". While I beg to differ, I also need to convince others that leadership is by choice and not title.

By leadership, I mean to say, someone who is in a situation where she can influence others. But of course we have also discussed that while influence is good, being an enduring leader requires us to be able to influence with integrity.

In other words, with conscience. As we influence others, it must be for a higher purpose, or influence others to achieve a greater aim that is beyond ourselves. Say, if we want to influence others, but our goal is so as to make us rich, we may be able to do so but only in a limited fashion.

But if the goal is for a purpose that is beyond us, that is for a good cause, something bigger than us, then not only can we not do it alone, we would also be able to attract others to us and bound by a common goal.

Next, we will discuss the 9-letter word, or phrase, to be exact.

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