Tuesday, March 06, 2007


For those of us who have a savings account and credit-cards debts will be able to relate to this.

Imagine you have $10,000 in a savings account and $10,000 of credit card debts, which do you think will grow faster? The savings which earns you 2 percent annually or the credit card that charges you 24 percent annually? The answer is obvious.

Now, the idea of a Think-bank works in the following manner.

Let's say that all these while, you have been harbouring thoughts of a less resourceful kind. What we mean is that, each time you are faced with a challenge, you think of it more of an obstacle, a problem, or just plain unfortunate. It can be in your professional, personal, or even spiritual life.

By continuously looking at things from a less resourceful perspective, you then feel overwhelmed, depressed, or fearful. Sometimes these very thoughts cripple you to the extent that you withdraw from it totally. For instance, someone with a less resourceful perspective may equate a loss in the stock market to their lack of 'luck' or worse, their inability to read the market. And hence swear to never indulge in stock purchases. With that, they may even tell everyone they know not to try their luck in the stock market.

Having these thoughts often will grow on you just like credit card debts. Even though you have some more resourceful thoughts once in a while, these 'minimum payment' will not be able to transform you into a more resourceful person within a short period of time. Therefore, the operative word here is consistency.

Unless you now have the awareness whereby each time you catch yourself thinking in a less resourceful manner, you immediately acknowledge it and then change it into a more resourceful one. And by doing this consistently, you will then start 'lessening your debts' and 'build on your wealth'.

So, start today by paying down your 'debts' and live your life with renewed freedom!

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