Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Seeing through the eyes of love

Have you been to a 3-D movie in the past where they hand you this pair of flimsy glasses with special lens, where half way through the movie your ears start to hurt and when you take it off, you can't figure out what's going on? My recollection of such an experience was Jaws 3D. Man, the sharks were like jumping out on you.

This is the same in life. An illustration would be two different persons who witnessed the same car accident but may describe what they saw differently. If you weren't at the scene, you'd probably think was two different accident that they were talking about. Just like in a situation where two people are faced with the same situation, one may see more problems while the other may see more opportunities. Both are not wrong in the way they view the situation, it's just their way of re-presenting those events that differ.

The reason why we view the world through probably different 'lenses' is because of our background, our culture, our experiences, or our predominant representation system. So what is this thing called the "predominant representation system"? Its essentially the way we re-present the events that happened in our mind so as to derive a meaning to it. Because events or words have no meaning accept the meanings we give to them. None of these meanings are right or wrong, but essentially with those meanings, we then create the emotions linked to it and it affects how or why we react.

As a result it would be accurate to say that the current results you have achieved to date are essentially a result of your view of the world. How you view the world is based on the meaning you give to it. These meanings will create the emotions, which in turn affects the questions you ask yourself and the options that you are prepared to evaluate. These in turn will impact on the kind of actions that you'd take and hence your results.

Now that we have understood the steps or the processes, we can go out there and change the different components that we are challenged with and bring about the results that we truly seek.

However, unless you are able to wear a pair of glasses with a lens that allows you to see things differently, understanding the process by itself is only an intellectual awareness. Besides, because this pair of glasses is new, your ears may hurt a little. But once you are acquainted with those pair of glasses, you'd feel more comfortable and confident with the way you see things. Eventually, you will even grow to love it, hence seeing through the eyes of love.

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